own little world

美 [oʊn ˈlɪtl wɜːrld]英 [əʊn ˈlɪtl wɜːld]
  • 网络自己的小世界;音乐我知道
own little worldown little world
  1. I 'm sorry . I was in my own little world .


  2. They live isolated lives in their own little world .


  3. We were just abnormally thin in our own little world .


  4. ' It 's like I 'm in my own little world and I don 't recognise people .


  5. Your dreamy nature easily allows you to be in your own little world .


  6. We live wrapped up in our own little world and think nothing can penetrate it .


  7. Pisces : Your dreamy nature easily allows you to be in your own little world .


  8. Among the rustle and bustle of the restaurant , I was in my own little world .


  9. I have met so many great and interesting people here that I never would have met if I didn 't step out of my own little world .


  10. He is not trapped in his own little world as most people assume with people with autism he is a happy little boy , but he can become frustrated or upset easily at the drop of a switch .


  11. I made my own little dream world out of that shower .


  12. A house is like your own little part of the world .


  13. No matter how small or humble the home , a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little corner of the world .


  14. Conflict and lack of reconciliation in the world stem from the fact that we are locked into our own interests and opinions , into our own little private world .


  15. Conflict and lack of reconciliation in the world stem from the fact that we are locked into our own interests and opinions , into our own little private world , the spiritual leader of the world 's 1.1 billion Catholics said in Italian .
